Искате повече онлайн продажби!?
Здравейте, aз съм Ясен Деянов. Тук съм, за да Ви помогна да продавате повече онлайн!
Оптимизацията на сайтове за търсачки е един от най-евтините интернет рекламни канали. Покажете продуктите и услугите си на началните позиции от органичното търсене на потенциалните ви клиенти в търсачките и продавайте повече онлайн.
Текстовата и / или Банер рекламата в търсачки като Google, Bing, Yahoo или Yandex са един от най-бързите и лесни начини да достигнете до потенциалните си клиенти онлайн; на ниска цена с измерими резултати в реално време!
Рекламата в социалните медии Facebook и Instagram е също един от най-бързите методи да покажете продуктите и услугите си пред потенциалните си клиенти и да осъществите дълготрайни взаимоотношения и комуникация с тях.
Ако предлагате стоки и услуги насочени към потребители в дадено населено място (район), оптимизацията за локално търсене, чрез визуализация на вашия бизнес в Google maps и подходящото му позициониране в топ резултатите на Google Local Business е идеално решение за вас.
Съдържанието е най-стойностната част от всеки уебсайт. Не дизайна, не професионално-направените снимки, не скъпите видеа или хостинга от най-висок клас. Съдържанието! А професионално направеното съдържание, продава – притова, много!
Консултациите по Интернет маркетинг, SEO, SEM, SMM, Еmail макретинг и други рекламни канали са подходящи за малки и големи компании. Извършват се чрез среща (посещение в на място във ваш или наш офис) или чрез средствата за масова комуникация телефон, имейл, скайп и/или други.
Стартирайте своя WordPress уебсайт БЕЗПЛАТНО още сега! Инсталирайте го за до 5 минутки от тук или попълнете формата и оставете аз да го направя за вас, 100% БЕЗПЛАТНО!
Стартирайте своя онлайн магазин с Magento БЕЗПЛАТНО още сега! Инсталирайте го за до 5 минутки от тук или попълнете формата и оставете аз да го направя за вас, 100% БЕЗПЛАТНО!
Стартирайте своя онлайн магазин с OpenCart БЕЗПЛАТНО още сега! Инсталирайте го за до 5 минутки от тук или попълнете формата и оставете аз да го направя за вас, 100% БЕЗПЛАТНО!
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During our work at First Online Solutions, I get to know Yasen and found out that he is a great person. One of the best things about him is that he can surprise you daily with any kind of information. From healthy living and gadgets to books and marketing topics. He keeps it in the back of his head and is ready to shoot it once you ask him about almost anything.

Yasen is very communicative, responsible & adaptable person. He listens very carefully what others are saying, decides what is best for the situation and then gives his opinion. He is able to suggests many options for issue solving. He is a young leader of a high level!

Yasen is one the most creative, adaptable and „fast in decisions“ people that I know. If i have to describe him with few words, that would be „a man of action“.
His professional skills in marketing strategies are proven.Very communicative and responsible. Only aiming for the „good“ is not enough for him. He always wants „the best“. He is able to suggests many options for problems solving. He is a young leader of a high level!

Yasen is marketing professional with great ideas and creative approach. It is a great pleasure to work with him and finding more and more opportunities for unconventional and effective online communication.
Yasen is a proactive team leader, willing to learn from practice and strives to achieve high results in his work. He is competent, results oriented and has the skill to handle multiple tasks. Yasen has strong communication and organizational skills that are key for outstanding performance in marketing.

I am very pleased to write this letter of recommendation on behalf of Yasen Deyanov.
Yasen is young entrepreneur, еxperienced marketer and great leader. His ambition, nobility and initiative, as well as his obsession with marketing and business development, transforms every idea he has worked for. He is highly motivated young professional, excellent communicator and facilitator.
Yasen definitely is person whom you can trust. This is proven by his previous startup experience where he has sold his first Internet Multiplayer Online Games Company with 600% ROI that is why I count on him everytime I need business advice.
I see him quite creative, very positive and calm while working under pressure. This attitude allows him fast decision making and excellent work results. He is always eager to know how latest business practices could be implemented on a daily basis into his current projects. I would rank him in the top 10% of the new generation marketers I have worked with.

In Healthstore Ltd. Yasen was one of the few people who understood very well their job and did it perfectly. Yasen taught me of things that I did know of their existence before that. As a colleague I get along with him very well and it is very easy to work with such person as Yasen. He is open-hearted and always ready to help you.

I have known Yasen for some years now. We worked together in ABC Design and communication. I am amazed at his drive, his wonderful sense of humour, and most importantly at his commitment to everything he does. Yasen is a great professional and a leader! He is an inspiration!

I’ve worked with Yasen in ABC Design & Communications and it was a great pleasure for me to have such a responsive and cooperative colleague. He is accurate, purposeful and helpful. This makes the whole workflow easier and more pleasant. I wish him all the best.

I am very pleased to write this letter of recommendation on behalf of Yasen Deyanov. I have known Yasen since 2010 in my capacity as a senior lecturer in the Department of Marketing and Strategic Planning at the University of National and World Economy. Yasen took the courses “Communication policy” and “Marketing of consumer goods and services” under my supervision. Throughout the duration of those courses, I had the opportunity to observe Yasen’s participation and interaction in class and to evaluate his knowledge of the subject matter. I would rate Yasen’s overall performance in these subjects as excellent, receiving final grades of 6 – the highest in our grading system. He took active part in class and was very persistent in his efforts to improve his knowledge. He always asked very smart and intriguing questions. His attendance was excellent and he took active participation in the seminars, often leading the discussion. I find him to be a dedicated and industrious student and I would rank him in the top 5% of the students I have thought in the past five years.

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